Yogyakarta City & Bondowoso City

Welcome To 
Bondowoso Regency & Yogyakarta Province

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Bondowoso Regency

Hasil gambar untuk bondowosoAQIEM Group - Bondowoso is a small town in East Java. It needs six hours to get Bondowoso from Surabaya.It is a quiet town. People do not see smoke from the chimneys around the town. No traffic jam is seen every day. It is quiet and peaceful.
There is a historical monument in Bondowoso. The monument is called 'Gerbong Maut' or the deadly wgon. It was built to remind the struggle of the heroes. They were killed to defend Indonesian independence. What is the typical food of Bondowoso? It is called 'tape'. Tape is sweet cake made of slightly, fermented rice or cassava tubers. It is very sweet and delicious. The price is also cheap.
Hasil gambar untuk bondowosoThere are beautiful natural objects in Bondowoso. These places are good to relax. For example, you may enjoy the beauty of ijen Crater. In Ijen Crater, you can watch beautifulmountainous panoramas with full smoke and hot water. Tasnan is a swimming pool situated near the forest. If you want to enjoy beautiful scenery with fresh air, you may also visit Arak Arak. This place is a mountain with a long street. It is very quiet.

Yogyakarta Province

So, now i will describe about Yogyakarta City,,,
Hasil gambar untuk yogyakartaYogyakarta or Jogja is a city with Javanese hospitality. Jogja is the special district with its uniqueness, and it is always interesting for visitors. Whay? Visitors find the live Javanese culture, the beautiful natural scenery, and the centre of high education institution.
First of all, in Jogja visitors feel the live Javanese culture. The Javanese language, costume and hospitality are the main parts of the culture. Kasultanan palace and other heritages are the monuments of Javanese culture. There are also old Javanese buildings around city. They are always interesting for the people. Visitors may also enjaoy gudeg, the typical food in Jogja. It is very tasty to have it as breakfast.
Hasil gambar untuk yogyakartaMoreover, Jogja also offer some beautiful natural objects. The panorama of Merapi mountain is one of interest. Visitors are always curious to see Cangkringan Village where Mbah Marijan used to live. Some beaches are also interesting to visit. Parangtrtis, Parang Kusuma, Siung, Indrayanti, Samas, Glagah, and Congot are some popular beacher in Yogya. Every weekend tourist always visit the objects.
Hasil gambar untuk yogyakartaLast of all,  Yogya has famous big universities. The state universities are gajah Maja University, Yogyakarta State Universit, Kalijaga Islamic State University,. There  is also Indonesian Art Institute. Besides, the private universities are available for students. They are UMY, UAD, USD, UST, UTY, UAJY, UPY, and many other instituies, academies, and universities.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb 

Ahmad Istakim

Alumni dari jurusan Manajemen Informatika di Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ ) Wonosobo. Tertarik dalam bidang pendidikan, teknologi komputasi dan disiplin ilmu keislaman ( Tafsir, Hadits, Arudl, Nahwu-Sharaf, Fiqh maupun Aqidah ) - https://s.id/blog-islamQ. Pernah juga mengenyam pendidikan di beberapa pesantren yang ada di Kab. Wonosobo dan Kab. Purworejo

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